Mistake #10- Not Getting Your Home Prepared Before Entering the Market – 5 Easy Steps

Many people don’t get their home in “Showing Condition” before placing it on the market. This could affect the time it takes to sell the home, and even the sales price.

Here are a few tips that will help your home stand out to buyers:
  1. Clean and/ or paint the front door and mailbox. These are going to be some of the first things that buyers see and you want to leave them with a great first impression.
  2. Keep the lawn nicely maintained and trim the trees and shrubs. Also keep the walkways and driveway swept. Add some color by placing a potted plant on the doorstep. This will help boost the curb appeal.
  3. Remove the clutter from your home. Go ahead and pack everything that you won’t need. Things such as knick-knacks, games, CDs, worn rugs, magazines and books, and a collection of family photos can be packed and stored away. Reducing the clutter makes the home appear more open.
  4. Add a fresh coat of a neutral-colored paint to the interior and shampoo the carpet. You want the buyers to feel like the home is clean and inviting.
  5. Finally, get out those yellow rubber gloves! Dust the blinds, all furniture and wash those fan covers. Clean the bathroom and kitchen until they sparkle. Celebrate by setting out a bowl of potpourri or treating yourself to some fresh flowers to compliment a clean home.

    For more resources, visit www.MakeNoMistakes.com.

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